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手掣轉換器 XBOX ONE / XBOX ONE S , XBOX 360, PC / PS3主機 使用MISC-0389





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PS4, PS3,PS2,PS ONE, XBOX ONE / XBOX ONE S , XBOX 360 or PC USB 手掣 轉換XBOXONE / XBOX ONE S , XBOX 360, PC(無須引導掣)主機 PS3主機(須引導掣)

XBOX360 /XBOX ONE / PC 主機: 無須引導掣

PS3 主檵: 須引導掣


The new firmware updated on September 9 2016 
supports PS2 Negcon controller and some earliest PS3 peripherals from the 3rd party including MADCATZ PS3 fightstick for SF4

1.Connects the PS4, PS3, PS2,PS ONE, XBOX ONE / XBOX ONE S , XBOX 360 or PC USB Game Controller to a XBOX ONE / XBOX ONE S , XBOX 360, PS3 or PC USB System 
2.Plug and Play. No need the original Microsoft XBOX ONE and XBOX 360 Controller when using on XBOX ONE / XBOX ONE S  and XBOX 360 Game Console.
3.Compatible with Racing Wheels, like Logitech G26, G27, G29, THRUSTMASTER F458, THRUSTMASTER T300RS, MADCATZ X1, HORI EX2, HORI 1791, etc (The force feedback of the wheels is not supported).
4.Compatible with all of MAYFLASH Fighting Sticks, all HORI and Mad Catz licensed Fighting Sticks, and Qanba Q1,Q4 RAF, etc.
5.Compatible with all SONY licensed PS4, PS3, PS2,PS ONE Controllers, and all Microsoft licensed XBOX ONE / XBOX ONE S , XBOX 360 Controllers, and PC USB Controllers including Logitech F310, F510, F710.
6.Supports XINPUT and DINPUT modes
7.Supports TURBO/AUTO FIRE function
8.1MS poll time - You never feel the lag. 
9.Compatible with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and 8, 10
