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Blaze Evercade Tehnos Super Pocket MISC-1246



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Blaze Evercade Tehnos Super Pocket MISC-1246



Super Pocket Technos Edition 是 HyperMegaTech 推出的經典掌上遊戲機,專為懷舊遊戲愛好者設計。以下是它的一些亮點特點:

預載遊戲:包含 15 款 Technos 街機經典遊戲,包括《雙截龍》、《雙截龍2》、《熱血硬派》和《熱血物語》。
USB-C 充電:支持快速充電,隨附充電線。
兼容 Evercade:可使用 Evercade 卡帶,擴展遊戲庫,超過 60 款卡帶,包含 500 多款遊戲。
電池壽命:電池續航時間超過 4 小時。
螢幕:2.8 英寸 IPS 螢幕,解析度 320 x 240。

This beloved handheld console from HyperMegaTech is back in action, delivering even more excitement right at your fingertips.

Brought to you by the creators of
Evercade, the Super Pocket Technos Edition is a tribute to gaming nostalgia, packed with iconic titles from the arcade era.
With a total of 13 thrilling games, the Super Pocket Technos Edition guarantees endless fun.
Sporting a sleek white shell and a stylish blue faceplate adorned with white buttons, the Technos Edition is as eye-catching as
it is entertaining. But that's not
all! Thanks to Evercade cartridge slots, you can expand your gaming library with ease, gaining access to over 500 games across
60+ released cartridge collections.

· Preloaded Games – 15 Technos Arcade Classics´including Double Dragon, Double Dragon 2, Renegade and River City
· USB-C charging - For fast charging. Cable included
· Evercade Compatible - Evercade Compatible - Over 60 cartridges with 500+ games
· Battery life – 4+ hours of battery life
· Screen - 2.8” IPS 320 x 240
· Easy mode activates the lowest difficulty for each game
