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QANBA 拳霸 PS5 / PS4 / PC N3 毒蜂2 遊戲搖桿 (SONY官方授權) PS5-0585



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【產品名稱】QANBA 拳霸 PS5 / PS4 / PC N3 毒蜂2 遊戲搖桿 (SONY官方授權) PS5-0585
此產品自取減HK$20 = HK$688


Qanba has released three new fighting game joystick products – the Drone 2, Obsidian 2, and Titan. The new Qanba joystick products are officially licensed by PlayStation and will be fully compatible with the PlayStation 5 system, the PlayStation 4 system, and PC.

Qanba's newest generation of joysticks aim to deliver tournament-grade components and Qanba’s signature high-quality exterior design. Developed specifically for PS5 fighting games, the Drone 2, Titan, and Obsidian 2 are slated to build on Qanba’s track record of releasing best-in-class fighting game joystick hardware and peripherals.

Developed for fighting game enthusiasts of all types, the Drone 2 is an entry-level joystick for new fighting game players. The Titan joystick is the perfect joystick for players who want to take their game to the next level with tournament tested Sanwa parts. The Obsidian 2 joystick is for the most competitive fighting game players with many features that will appeal to the travelling and highly competitive tournament player.


* Qanba 30mm B30 buttons
* Qanba OV7 Omron switch joystick
* 3.5mm microphone input with mute button control
* Full control panel
* PS5, PS4, and PC input switch
* Touch pad

Qanba Buttons and Josystick

Qanba 30mm B30 buttons
Qanba OV7 Omron switch joystick

Touch Pad

Full control panel

*Turbo Button

*DP LS RS Joystick Switch

*PS5, PS4, and PC Switch

*Tournament Lock Switch


3.5mm Microphone Input with Mute Button Control

Storage for USB cables


This Listing Include:

onc pcs Qanba N3 Drone 2 Fighting Stick
